Saturday, January 31, 2009

Milk Chocolate

There are worse things in life than being reduced to milk and chocolate. Worse things than being called a Milk Chocolate Brain on the playground, the office, or your local cafe.

So, let's talk about milk chocolate. Some of you die-hard fans are reluctant to approach but I sense you're more willing to consider it over White Chocolate, the twice-removed cousin.

Milk chocolate does not have to be Reeses or Mars or Snickers or KitKat or or or. . . there are some varieties worth purchasing on their own value, not because you misread the label. For one, try Jade's Genmai bar which contains only 35% cocoa blended with jasmine and roasted brown rice. Seriously, you will be pleasantly surprised discovering that a little more milk in your chocolate isn't always a horrible thing.

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